Current Solutions
We understand that the topic of climate change can seem daunting and overwhelming at times. This is why we've added this list of current solutions to local infrastructure, as a reminder that not all hope is lost and that the glass is always half full.
Miami Beach-
In Miami Beach they have begun raising roads by 2 feet to stem sea level rise. This will reduce flooding and help drain water.
Click here to read more about what Miami Beach is doing to speed up sea rise projects.
Broward County-
In 2017, Broward County spent 250 million to upgrade their sewage systems and get rid of septic tanks. Click here for more information on Browards Water and Wastewater plans.
Palm Beach County-
Palm Beach has begun creating natural infrastructure including mangroves, oyster reefs, sea grass and marsh habitats that naturally protect our coastlines. To learn more you can click here.